A night for the kids: Super Saucon Senior Pageant 2023.
March 30, 2023
The Super Saucon Senior Pageant has been a looked forward to event for many years in school history. The 2023 pageant was held March 23, and had a great turn out.
The senior pageant is an event run by SGA (Student Government Association), and all money raised goes towards the Mini-THON fund. Pageant contestants have the ability to raise money prior to the event, and spectators can donate to each contestant during the event as they present their talents. This year, the event raised $1,905 to go towards the Mini-THON goal of $30,000.
The pageant allows for two winners. Contestants can earn the title of Senior Personality or Saucon Senior.
This year’s Senior Personality who worked hard to raise the most money out of all eight contestants was senior Brandon Thompson. Thompson’s talent that had a hand in his title win was reading, as he soothed the audience with the sweet sounds of Dr. Seuss’ writings.
This year’s Saucon Senior who was voted for by judges including history teacher Mario Marcozzi, history teacher Jeremy Kittek, science teacher Kimberly Mertz, and athletic director Bob Frey was senior Zealand Copeman. Copeman took the stage and sang their own rendition of “Creep” by Radiohead.

Audience members enjoyed seeing all contestants including Copeman, Thompson, Devin Morris, Tyler Pfizenmayer, Travis Riefenstahl, Bret Sheasley, Mason Warnke, and Shane Yardumian.
“The overall combination of music was very fitting. I feel like each guy had a song that really resonated with them,” said junior Ava Kriner, who watched the pageant live. “I thought there were a lot of interesting aspects. Reading books, that’s not one you usually see. Doing CPR, that’s an interesting one… It was an eventful night.”
Overall, the main consensus that all those who viewed the pageant came to was that it was a great night. The pageant and acts provoked laughter, and in some cases, tears from the audience. It was a great night to fight for the kids.