The school district finds itself struggling with a technical dilemma as student and faculty continue to face issues with the school-issued iPads and the app Notability. These issues are starting to cause disruption in learning and completing school assignments.
“My Notability crashes at least three times a day, and when it does crash my entire text box deletes itself,” stated senior Leah Santoro.
Santoro is one of many students who constantly struggles with Notability’s complete lack of reliability. This lack of reliability leads to longer times for students to complete assignments.
“At my school all we use is Google Docs which works well. Crashing rarely happens at Emmaus,” said senior Miles Dulina who attends Emmaus high school. His school regularly has multiple periods in an A/B schedule resulting in twice the note-taking as Saucon’s district, yet they don’t deal with crashing.
“The current system works but it’s bad, there is probably a much better way than Notability,” junior Nick Porterfield stated.
Porterfield is currently using Notability to write about colleges he plans on attending. Eventually he switched to Docs and found it was more efficient. With high school being the quintessential stepping stone for college, Notability’s errors hold others back.
Overall the pitfalls of Notability outweigh those of the advantages it can bring. Fixing the issue could lead to a happier and productive school district.