Everyone says you should express yourself in our community, but how? We all express ourselves differently, and it’s important to be able to confidently do so. According to Androdoch Daily Enterprise, students and kids our age express themselves through clothes, words, and most importantly, their actions towards their peers. However, there are many other ways to do this that may be better for you, and you can learn about it here.
The most common clothing style for kids our age is often coined as “casual”. “My outfits are normally the same two hoodies every day,” said junior John Kettle.
Many kids use clothing to express themselves, but it’s not everyone. A lot of people feel most comfortable staying consistent with their outfits of choice. Clothes are a common way of enforcing how you want people to interact with you, and can help you put your best foot forward. What you wear is your choice, and should make you feel comfortable and able to express yourself freely to your peers.
Self expression allows us to learn, grow, and commit to relationships. Teachers from Androch Daily Enterprise say that limited self expression most commonly comes from bullying. “I like talking to others, and find value in spending time with others. However bullying adds anxiety to every little thing you do,” freshman Holden Griffis acknowledged.
What does bullying have to do with self esteem, and self expression? Well, in many situations, bullying and confidence have a lot of correlation. When people feel like they aren’t allowed to express themselves due to negative peer evaluation, they can be worried about others opinions and trying to fit in the mold. Remembering that others’ opinions don’t matter is hard for many students and teenagers around our age, but can be achieved through confidence.
Many students feel as if they don’t want to have to fit into the mold, and struggle with this mindset, the Androdoch Daily enterprise discussed in their article. “I feel confident when I express myself purely because I feel like myself,” stated freshman Tanya Namboodiri.
It takes a lot to build up confidence, but the outcome is really the diamond in the rough. Everyone needs to know and be familiar with the feeling of expressing themselves in our community. It’s hard, but you can commit to self love and improvement little by little every day.
We all express ourselves in different ways, and as high school students, this is very important for us. We want to be able to learn and grow as people, and this can be expressed through the way we talk, act, dress, or even just smile at people in the hallways. You have to remember that you are your own you, and can make your first impression blossom into a new friendship anytime just by expressing yourself. Without self expression, everyone would be the same, boring. Even if you like boring, you can be boring in your own unique way, which is why you should express yourself, and show your individuality.