New York comic con is considered one of the largest comic conventions with over 200,000 attendees every year and with some of the biggest actors attending. People like Elizabeth Olson, Josh Brolin, Micheal J Fox and Paul Bettany.

Every year comic and movie lovers flock to the Javier’s center in New York to see movie panels, buy toys and action figures. It’s the ultimate pop culture celebration. I spoke to some attendees on their experiences and this is what they had to say.
Ridercga:The thing I love the most about attending comic cons is being around like minded people who all share a love for all things pop culture. Especially the cosplayers. This year was the first year I’ve attended NYCC and it was an absolute roller coaster in the best possible way. I couldn’t believe how many things there were to do and experience with no additional cost with all the exhibitor booths from companies like Marvel, Capcom, and even Nickelodeon
Xtine: Ive attended NYCC for the last 12 years and love seeing the insane creativity/ craftsmanship at cons and getting the chance to talk to other makers about their crafting/building experiences. I’ve learned a lot over the years and have used some of the tips and tricks from others in my own builds.
NYCC has such a welcoming environment and even when I first started attending with my cosplays that were thrown together quickly, I was receiving compliments and people were very friendly. I can say I’ve never had a bad experience at the con and each year I attend I have an even better time because I’ve made so many friends over the years, it’s great to see everyone and catch up.
I’ve been to some smaller cons and they have the benefit of not being so overwhelming but the sheer magnitude of NYCC and what is has to offer is why I attend. You see some of the best cosplays in the world every year, and the panels, artwork, and merchandise, and new releases
are hard to find at a smaller con.
New York comic con is a must do for any comic geek but if you’re not familiar with New York it can make it difficult. Some tips for planning a trip would be:
My tip for a first time NYCC goer would be to go with a friend and talk to others who have been before and make a plan. It can be very overwhelming especially for someone who may not do well in large crowds but if you talk to someone who has been before, they can tell you where everything is and the best booths/aisles to visit in the con based on your interests. Also, make sure you register to fan verify so you can purchase pre-sale tickets! The con sells out very quickly and verifying your account is the best way to guarantee you’ll score some tickets for that year. And lastly, enjoy the magical chaos that is New York Comic Con
The number one tip I could give to someone attending NYCC is to HYDRATE. That goes double if you’re in costume. I would also say to budget accordingly and go in with a plan on what you’ll want to do on each day. My strategy is to try and be as comfortable as you can on Thursday and walk around to get a feel for the venue and where everything is since it’s very easy to get lost or have a hard time finding things. If you’re buying anything, I’d do it on the Thursday and the Sunday. Those are the lightest days when it comes To the amount of people in attendance. Outside of that, have fun! It’s even better when you have a group of friends with you! There’s something for everyone!